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Six Tips For Publishing Success

Updated on October 20, 2013

Six Tips for Publishing Success - Is It Easier These Days?


The expansion of the internet has been both a pro and a con for writers, professionals and beginners alike. On one hand, we have a tremendously diverse marketplace that is easily accessible, but on the downside the competition for publication has increased dramatically. Getting your work published can be even more of a challenge now, than in the pre-internet days.  Hopefully, these tips for publishing success will garner some great results!

Six Tips for Publishing Success

These tips are pretty basic but a reminder is good, especially since the internet has changed publishing as we knew it.
These tips are pretty basic but a reminder is good, especially since the internet has changed publishing as we knew it.

How To Increase Your Chances of Publishing Success with These 6 Tips

So, how can you give your work an advantage in today's highly competitive marketplace?  Try these six tips for publishing success.

Tip #1 - Write and read constantly! Okay, you've read this helpful hint a million times at least. Sorry, but it just cannot be overstated enough. This is crucial, and without it, you don't stand much of a chance of finding an audience for your work, or of improving it. Stay industry informed. Know what your competition is doing. Practice your craft everyday. You would do this in any business. It can be hard to think of your passion as a business, but if you plan on getting published for pay, it is.

Tip #2 - Write your truth. Don't write just for the current trends, as they may suddenly change tomorrow. If you write using your own voice on a subject that you care about, that sincerity will shine through to any editor. Your work must be well written and have value naturally, but it must also be genuine for optimum chance with today's editors.


Tip #3 - Do lots of research. Make sure that all of your facts and information are correct. There are no excuses in this day and age of expanded information sources. This doesn't just apply to your article. Make sure that when you are submitting a piece of work or a query, that you have the correct editor's name, department, and company address on the envelope. Use whatever resources necessary to attend to these kinds of details, be it the internet, library, masthead, or calling the publication and outright asking for a current editor's name. This kind of attention to detail marks you as a professional. Be an informed submitter!


Tip #4 - Be a strategic submitter. It's exciting to complete a project or article, and of course, you want to see your beautiful words in print, but don't get so over zealous that you forget to be smart about submitting. Get familiar with your market and the publications you want to target, and send out your work appropriately. Editors are not stupid, they can spot a random mass mailing of a manuscript right away.


Tip #5 - Organize your work and your work space. It will help instill a feeling of calm confidence about your work. Clutter will contribute to your anxiety, and can cloud your mind. To help you feel more in control, make sure your keep track of every query and submission that you send. It can be a small notebook (that's what I use), an electronic file (print off a hard copy, just in case), doesn't matter, just make a record of where you send your work, the date, etc. so that you can do follow-up, and so you can track your submission success. It also keeps you from sending the same work to the same editor twice because you forgot that you sent it the first time several months ago.


Tip #6 - Networking relationships. Ensure a congenial relationship with editors and other people you network with, by being polite and pleasant in all of your dealings. You may not get an acceptance the first time you submit to an editor, but if you are friendly and professional, you can bet that editor will remember and consider your next submission happily.

A Final Word About Publishing Your Work

If your dream is be a full-time freelancer, it is going to take some due diligence. Keep on top of things to give yourself and your words the best chance of success. If you're a people person, with a passion for your craft, this will seem more like play than work, and you have arrived at your most perfect career, and you will be successful.

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Come and be part of our nurturing writing community. Sign up for your own HubPages account and publish your work for others to see. You can even use your Hubs as sample clips when querying online publications. Publishers will be able gauge the caliber of your writing and you'll be making a bit of extra money at the same time. Can't beat it!


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